D3.3 Final Catalogue of societal resilience solutions

Executive summary

The present deliverable entails a systematic description of the final catalogue of solutions that ENGAGE has developed, the process of collecting and developing information, guidelines for creating content, the implementation of the catalogue, and examples from its content. Moreover, it provides a full overview of the steps towards finalising the catalogue. Although the deliverable contains examples and snapshots from the database of solutions, the catalogue itself is embedded in an online repository within the ENGAGE Knowledge Platform, which was developed in T5.5 and documented in D5.5. The platform can be found
through the following link: https://www.project-engage.eu/knowledge-platform2/

In essence, the overall aim of ENGAGE is to link informal resilience inherent in society with the formal efforts of authorities and first responders, where “solutions” are means to achieve this goal. Solutions are defined as any kind of mean or instrument to enhance the interaction between members of the population and formal responders (first responders and authorities), e.g., technologies, tools, processes, guidelines, or practices. The objective of the final catalogue is to provide a knowledge repository describing such solutions with implementation guidance, including important factors of the local context where they have been implemented. Through the catalogue, the goal is to help first responders and authorities leverage the potential of contributions from the population. The final catalogue provides a set of solutions with relevant basic information. A selection of these is in-depth characterized. The overall structure of the catalogue includes four main categories of information for a solution; (i) basic information, (ii) purpose and outcomes, (iv) guidelines, and (iii) lessons learnt. These categories, and their subcategories, have emerged from a systematic process building upon and integrating the results from ENGAGE’s technical deliverables. Important factors for selecting and
characterizing solutions have been discussed in internal and external workshops with end users.

The novelty of the catalogue is that it provides contextual guidance to the users. ENGAGE acknowledges the situated and complex nature of societal resilience – and that building societal resilience cannot follow a “one-size-fits-all” recipe. Solutions successfully applied in one area or society might have specific aspects that heavily influence the implementation and use of said solutions. Therefore, in the catalogue, the guidelines and important factors for use and implementation of solutions include these contextual aspects, which provide the users of the catalogue the possibility of a realistic judgment on the applicability to their own context.

The scope of the catalogue is to provide a pragmatic presentation of solutions, however, a more overarching discussion of contextual and target aspects of solutions is
presented in this deliverable. This analysis provides a model of how a solution operates through contextual and target aspects to achieve an outcome. In the discussion it is pointed out that what is considered a contextual or target aspect will be dependent on the presumed degree of modifiability of the context. The contextual aspects influence the way solutions work on their target aspects. Moreover, solutions are assumed to contribute to diverse resilience potentials that subsequently may enable successful coping actions of a society in a crisis. To validate the final catalogue of solutions, in-depth content for mature solutions
was validated, in which the project partners followed the guidelines for creating content. The catalogue was divided into three overarching processes, (a) selection and role allocation, (b) characterization, and (c) documentation. Furthermore, it provides detailed accounts on the who, the what and the how, when it comes to developing content for the catalogue, both for the formal solutions in the catalogue, as well as the informal.