Knowledge and Innovation Community of Practice

Our special Advisory Board

To favor the collaboration and the interaction between different actors of society, the consortium is complemented by special advisory board: the Knowledge and Innovation Community of Practice (KI-CoP).

The KI-CoP is an open association including practitioners, NGOs, Virtual Operations Support Teams, scientists, researchers and citizens’ representatives supporting ENGAGE as users and co-owners if its solutions. The inclusion of the KI-CoP in the activities will ensure the validation and transferability of solutions, guidelines and methods across different risk and disasters scenarios.

Who can join the KI-CoP

All organizations, institutions and practitioners that address society, the well-being of citizens, and their safety and protection can take part in the KI-CoP.

  • First Responders as Fire Fighters, Police, Law Enforcements Officers, Emergency Medical Technicians, Doctors in the field of emergency, Paramedics, Red Cross Volunteers, Community Emergency Response Teams, Civil Protection, etc.
  • Authorities and Citizens Representatives

  • Non Governamental Organizations (NGO)

  • Researchers, Scientists or SME Operators in the field of Emergency, Safety and Societal Resilience

  • Virtual Operations Support Teams: Emergency Communication Officers, Emergency Message Operators

Meet the Ki-CoP

Read first hand experiences, stories and interviews from the members of our Community of Practice.

  • Participants of the ENGAGE final event to mark the end of the project.

    ENGAGE draws to a close

    As of the end of December 2023, the ENGAGE project has concluded its work after three and a half years of research, collaboration, and contribution to current understandings of societal resilience. The project aimed to [...]

  • Deep Blue presents at the Festival of Participation

    Resilience is Participation- Engage at the Italian Festival of Participation

    Picture credits: Margherita Caprilli On September 23rd, the ENGAGE project attended the Festival della Partecipazione, an annual Italian event entirely dedicated to citizen participation in the various spheres of democratic life and to facilitating discussion [...]

How is the KI-CoP involved

The KI-Cop will be regularly included to share experience, gather a critical view on project work, co- create, adapt and validate project results. Practitioners will take part in interactive activities such as focus groups, semi-structured interviews, surveys and validation exercises. Specific events will organized to foster the collaboration with the Consortium.


Four open-to-public KI-CoP workshops will be organized to share knowledge and work collaboratively with the board.
Check the dedicated page to know more about dates and locations.

Learn More

Validation Exercises

The prototyped solutions will be validated during the simulation of 3 social emergencies that threaten the security of actual EU societies. The hazards have been chosen for their plausibility to happen in the near future and concern natural threats, terrorist attacks and the effects of climate change.
Check the Events section to learn more about it.

Go to Events

Heat Wave in the city of Rome


A type of disaster that caused many fatalities in Europe in the period 1998-2009.

It is the most likely to happen in the near future according to the Global Risk Landscape.

Combined Cyber and Terrorist Attack


In the aftermath of the activities of the terrorist organization ETA, the Basque Government created a cybersecurity centre with the aim of dealing with possible cyber-terrorism.

Landslide with Effects for Critical Infrastructures


Historically, Norway experiences one major landslide with quick clay every year. Quick clay is a marine clay that becomes liquid, meaning that areas of the ground can start sliding also in nearly flat terrain.

Willing to take action for societal resilience?

Join the KI-CoP